Wednesday, 7 September 2011

ode to moments

time to rock
4 o'clock

car fully loaded
destination noted

fuel excepting
trip to begin

three hills met
course was set

accomplice acquired
navigator fired

calgary attained
friend gained

swingers swung
sweat was wrung

found accommodation
lost the trepidation

super-fantastic breakfast
by ophthalmic technologist

bakery temptations
grocery inflations

are we there yets posed?
more than natures crows

park pass not needed
Alberta receeded

in Revelstoke we camp
and up a path do tramp

bears avoid
stove destroyed

eat what's cold
truth be told

can you work that?
hot then cold bath

star starers
lifted prayers

morning yoghurt
lost in lumber

Barb the baptist
leaving quite blessed

with a new stove
to a tree grove

zip lines and ladders
ropes and carabiners

ferry men want beer
lets get out of here

Nakusp Hot Springs
pruned digits for rings

resisting rushing
enforcing brushing

unexpected meet
sometimes stinky feet

italian at kaslo
hey is that my uncle?

mirror lake campsite
solitude is alright

Caves at Ainsworth
giving pairs a wide berth

mysterious and wonderful
and a freezing waterfall

rainfall false alarms
fooling bears with linked arms

canoeing rhythms
duck schisms

reflected pinnacles
lost and found spectacles

ferry cross the kootenay
contemplate the need to wait

crawford bay artisans
icecream, gelato and fruit stands

traffic to a halt
logging truck at fault

plan to trail tp
girls from the city

just our luck
rumbling trucks

pass our meal
road reveal

so exhausted
find a clean bed

woke by train
gray and rain

best market fresh
baked goods, delish!

don't look down code
up the gravel road

lussier hot springs
natural wonder brings

slimy algae
sulfur smelly

brisk numbing river
cause to shiver

skills of redress
while we regress

onto radium
thence to Banff yum

mountains behind
poem to remind

glad to adventure 
with my dear sister

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