Sunday, 4 September 2011

eat your pickles

Sometimes, we needlessly get into pickles.

For instance, rushing about so that I could get out the door quicker I left my wallet behind. Realizing that I had forgotten my wallet, I ran back inside, decided to change my pants, grabbed my wallet, slammed the door and off I ran to the car. The clever little red car waiting with it's driver door open. I sit in my seat, buckle myself in, reach for the keys in the ignition... Oh that's right I had to unlock the door.

Realization hits like a brick.

Yes, I did just lock my house and car keys in the house. Now that is a pickle.

What are my options?
Sonic screw driver? Who but the doctor has one of those?
Neighbours? Not home.
Windows? oh bother.

So with little skill but much determination I find a partly opened window. Destroy the screen trying to remove it. Dive head first through with my red shoe clad feet kicking wildly out the window simultaneously trying to maintain balance and ease myself forward so as not to break my neck or any other part of me.

Sometimes I do wish I had the skills of a cat burglar. But then of course I picture myself being a little less awkward, and obviously clothed all in black, sliding in and rolling into a sommersault before soundlessly springing to my feet again. And while I did not in fact break any part of me, my entrance was neither sleek nor graceful. But I got the keys and carried on my merry way.

To further illustrate the point that rushing for the most part saves you no time, and can end up slowing down the rest of the world, let me tell you about a recent holiday experience. A friend and I had taken some time off to celebrate the last of summer and were touring the hot springs circle route in BC.

We were on the fourth day of a five day trip. The trip up to this point had been both exhillerating and relaxing. We took our time, had some adventures, and did our fair share of soaking. But it was day four, I was (I hate to admit) a bit cranky, and a bit frustrated that we were not as far along as I had intended. But, we had had fun up until this point, we had done the things we wanted to do and seen the things we wanted to see, and I had to let it go. So I did. I let my friend drive for a bit, and tried to snooze it off. Then I realized we were coming to a stop.

Had I slept the remainder of the trip away? What luck! Oh, no...

please note the line of cars ahead and behind
There was a huge, huge line up of cars ahed of us. And those that were passing in the other direction were wildly signaling us with gestures that indicated length. Not really understanding, we accepted our fate, turned off the vehicle and waited. We only had to turn on the car to creep forward every 20 minutes or so. For an hour we did this. And then another. Both of us were badly needing to pee by the end of the second hour and seizing an opportunity we left the line to use an obliging neighbours' toilet. I freely admit that I am a city girl when it comes to squating. Especially with the potential for so many onlookers. No thank you.

It's also there that we found out what was happening. A careening logging truck had overturned, and while the road crews were doing the clean up they were allowing only one direction of traffic to pass at a time. The driver was injured and had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance. Our host assured us that we were coming to the end of the line soon. We thanked her, and got back into line.

It's true, we were near the end of the line. Unfortunately because we had gotten out of line to go the toilet, we were now close enough to see the scene, but stuck there as they closed both lanes of traffic to finish the log removal with greater safety as darkness descended.

When we did finally get through the 48km stretch 3 and bit hours later it was dark. We had had time to set up our camping stove and make KD on the side of the road. And tea. Albeit, it was a bit awkward when the traffic started moving again and we were camped on the side of the highway. But we had at least eaten.

From thence we drove to the nearest town and got a hotel room instead of putting up the tent. And do you know what? It was the best sleep I had had all week. Sometimes, actually often, things don't go the way we plan, and they bring unexpected obstacles into our paths. And it can turn out ok. So eat your pickles and don't get into them.

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