Thursday, 6 October 2011

on the road again

I am driving home; from Stettler, AB where I have lived and worked for 2 years, to Kanata, ON where my family is. It was somewhat difficult to leave, as I have been so blessed there. To go in faith that there is a reason to move on even though it is painful to go. I have been glad of the drive, it has been beautiful, every day. A chance to slowly watch the landscape change, rather than leave it abruptly. The sun has shone brightly on the fields mostly harvested and then on the leaves as they turn umber, and golden; celebrating the end of a season with me.

Foliage in Rouyn Noranda, QC

It is a beautiful Wednesday morning and I am lying in a lovely little B&B in Rouyn Noranda, Québec. Lying because my ichiums are still a tad tender from the thirteen hours of driving it took me to get here.
I am visiting with a dear friend from school, and we are speaking French and enjoying the subtle differences between Québec and Ontario.

Only 546 km, or approximately six more hours of driving separate me from family and home as I knew it and will know it once again. I am enjoying the reprieve from driving and the luxury of not needing to get anywhere.

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