Tuesday, 23 August 2011

blessings from the raspberry bush

Raspberry picking is my new favorite sport, as it provides ample time for introspection and excellent fruits for my labour. Sure you come out of it a little scratched, a little stained, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

So, not long ago, there I was, all ready to pick some berries. Wearing the proper gear; a bucket attached to a belt around my waist for hands free picking, and of course a cowboy hat to shield my head from the sun, I enter "the zone", and focus on my objective - berries.

Picture, if you can, a beautiful blue skied, sun filled afternoon, with just enough breeze to ruffle your hair and make the temperature comfortable. There, just ahead, stands this beautiful green bush laden with perfect award winning just ripe for the picking red gems. Gorgeous juicy pre smoothie material, and cereal topping beauties, and raspberry pie filling not from a can... it's almost enough to make me lose my focus, a bounty so plentiful!

Now what you should know about raspberry picking is that; if you only pick from one angle you miss out on a lot. So if you're standing there, looking down and becoming frustrated because you know from standing at a distance that there are more berries, take a deep breath and remember, those berries aren't going to come to you. I move in slowly, stealthily, and it begins.

Raspberry picking is actually a lovely metaphor for life when you think about it. Once you're standing in the midst of the bush, you only see the most obvious blessings, you somehow forget that there are many more blessings that you must look for to find. While some take some getting to, some only require the lifting of a few leaves, or changing your perspective.

When frustrated by the little you have compared to what you know is around you (still while picking the berries) it is our tendency to rush down the line to where the berries are easier to get to, larger, juicier, definitely better...

Instead of searching earnestly where you are at and taking advantage of what is before you.

It may come as a shock or a disappointment to realize that the berries are different, but not necessarily bigger, nor better, nor more and surprisingly still require as much work. The added insult is the sad fact that since you have rushed, you've missed out on what was there where you were, and suddenly you're a little more scratched and stained than previously.

It is a lesson better learned in the raspberry bush that life's blessings, are for the moment you're currently in, do require some effort but are worthy of being enjoyed while you're there. And so, my juicy delicious red muse leads me here... to where I am thankful to the God who "gives rain in its' season, so that the land will yield its produce and the trees of the field will bear their fruit. "(Lev 26:4)

1 comment:

  1. beautiful words befitting a profound realization...
    I'm SO glad you're blogging!!
